Mary Moore Counselling

Testimonials - Feedback from clients

"Counselling has helped me understand where my partner and I were in our relationship. I have learned so much about myself and about my partner. It helped me to understand why my partner had had an affair and to deal with the hurt that I felt. We are much happier now and my marriage is what it should always have been. We learned about the need to spend time together as a couple, to listen to and understand each other's points of view, and to appreciate and compliment each other. Thank you so much for helping us get back on track."

(Woman about Couple Counselling sessions)

"I can't believe how fast my sessions have gone or how much better I feel about myself and the future. The Counsellor picked me up from the lowest point in my life and put me on the road to being a happier and more positive person. I'm eternally thankful."

(Man about his individual Counselling sessions)

"The sessions have been very useful in giving a safe space in which my husband and I were able to reconnect with each other. There was a level of unexpected breakthrough that we have managed to sustain and build on. The intervention and support of the counsellor was what helped us to open up to each other and to ourselves."

(Woman about Couple Counselling sessions)

"My time spent working with the Counsellor has been a great help to my personal and family life. Speaking about my problems has allowed me to realise that my problems were not unique and that I was not the lost cause I had always thought. I'm now a much more rounded individual with growing self confidence and belief."

(Man about his individual Counselling sessions)

"I didn't know what to expect and was nervous at first. I was instantly put at ease and found myself talking for the full hour (which flew by). I was apprehensive and worried about whether there would be awkward silences but this wasn't the case. Mindfulness practices were very good at relaxing me but I didn't actually feel the full benefit until I started making it a daily practice. I enjoyed the sessions and I am a different person from that first day. I now feel more at ease with myself and others."

(Woman about her individual Counselling sessions)

"When we first went to counselling, my husband was talking about divorce due a couple of issues which had blighted our 12 year relationship. Counselling has made us both understand each other better and enabled us to sort out any issues without descending into an argument and falling out. Our marriage is much stronger and I am so much happier."

(Woman about Couple Counselling)

"In the first few sessions, we did all the talking. Mary has an uncanny knack of getting you to do that. Everything was on the table. Then slowly, without us really knowing it was happening, our thought processes, patterns and ideas were challenged and given different perspectives. We were never told or advised what to do. Simply and skilfully, we were led to look at things slightly differently."

(Man about Couple Counselling)

"This was the last throw of the dice for our relationship. Without Counselling, our marriage of 30 years would have failed. I can now say to my wife things I have wanted to say for years but felt unable to express. I now have a road map and tools to make sure we never end up in the place we were before Counselling began. Early communication and expressing real feelings without fear are better than withdrawing and avoiding difficult subjects."

(Man about couple counselling)

"I entered this process with some trepidation. The sessions were difficult at times and I was enabled to engage which produced results, for example, an honest discussion between my husband and I for the first time in years. Understanding the reasons why he behaved as he did helped to turn the situation around and, having someone else explain to him the way I was feeling and what led us to being in this situation, helped us turn a corner. My worries of maintaining this breakthrough were addressed and hopefully we now have the tools to continue to move forwards together."

(Woman about Couple Counselling)

"I sought help to try to repair a damaged relationship with my wife. I had thought I was doing what was necessary but the result was that things seemed to be getting worse. Mary helped me understand the language and responses that I was being given in relationship conversations and picked up on the key information that I was clearly misunderstanding or missing completely. From the first meeting and using her help, the improvements began to appear and within the first month the general state of our marriage changed for the better. With her help, our marriage was brought from the border of separation to the strongest understanding of each other, respect for each for each other and happiness that we hadn't held for many years. Mary is a great listener, very easy to open up to, and I would recommend anybody to seek her help to really understand the actual problem and learn how to make the changes in yourself to turn the situation around for the better."

(Man coming on his own about couple relationship problems)

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